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Seattle Wing Chun Lineage

Lineage of Seattle Classical Wing Chun

Instructor Stephen Elaimy

Stephen Elaimy began studying Wing Chun in 1990 and has been the instructor at Seattle Wing Chun since 1998.

He was introduced to Wing Chun by Sifu Joy Chaudhuri in Tempe, Arizona while attending Arizona State University. Joy is a student of Augustine Fong in the lineage of Ho Kam Ming and Yip Man.

In 1993, he moved to Los Angeles and studied with Sifu Hawkins Cheung for a short time until he moved to Seattle in 1994. Hawkins was a direct student of Yip Man and a classmate of the late Bruce Lee.

He met Sifu Carl Dechiara and was excited to find a traditional Wing Chun teacher in Seattle with great fighting and teaching skill. Carl is a student of Sifu Kenneth Chung, who is among the very best Wing Chun practitioners in the world. Ken was a student of the great Leung Sheung, Yip Man's first Hong Kong student. Stephen studied with Carl for over two years from 1994 to 1997.

Stephen began teaching in Seattle in 1998 when Carl moved to California and then on to Ohio. He continues to train with Master Kenneth Chung.

He loves Wing Chun, and it shows in his approach to teaching. He has a hands-on approach to bridging the gap between theory and application, and is committed to the growth of his students.